
Prenatal screening

Prospective parents who wish to do so can arrange for a test during the pregnancy to examine their unborn child for a number of conditions. This is called a prenatal screening. The aim of prenatal screening is to inform people who want to have this information in good time of the presence or absence of the disorder in question so that they can make a well-informed decision about further options.



During the NIPT, the baby will be checked for possibly having chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or Patau syndrome). If you are dealing with an increased risk of a baby with Down syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality, you can do follow-up tests (prenatal diagnosis). The NIPT is covered by insurance.


13-week scan

The aim of the 13-week scan is to inform people who wish to have this information on time of the presence or absence of physical abnormalities so that they can make a well-informed decision about further options. The baby is still small, but some, often serious, abnormalities can be seen. If you opt for the 13-week ultrasound, you will participate in a scientific study and the costs will be covered by insurance.


20-week scan
The aim of the 20-week scan is to inform people who wish to have this information on time of the presence or absence of physical abnormalities so that they can make a well-informed decision about further options.


The 20-week scan is a medical examination. The midwife will tell you everything about the 20-week ultrasound. You then decide whether you want to have the 20-week scan done. This ultrasound scan is covered by insurance.


We would like to inform you about all the options for prenatal screening during your pregnancy. Please contact us for a counseling conversation. More background information can be found on the website