
Non-medical ultrasound (extra) 3D/4D

(24-27 weeks)


(Twins: €138)

Time 30 minutes


From 24 weeks onwards we can take a nice extra ultrasound for fun, so you (and your partner or family member) can see the baby. During this ultrasound we will purely focus on taking the best possible pictures of the baby. We will try to make the face visible in the pictures and will use our new 3D, 4D equipment and HD-light for the best chances. A few pictures are included, but if you would like all the pictures that are taken we can put this on a USB stick for you (€5 supplement). You can take this stick with you for all the following appointments and we will add new pictures every time.


Important to know: If the baby is placed inconveniently for the picture or your BMI is 27 or higher it’s sometimes difficult to get good imagery. For this reason we do not advise to schedule this ultrasound after 27 weeks of pregnancy. Before this term it;s likely we will get better results. For this reason we do not guarantee good quality pictures (or sometimes any) if this ultrasound is scheduled after 27 weeks of pregnancy.


Non-medical ultrasound (extra) 2D

(24-27 weeks)


(twins €100)

Time 15 minutes (twins 30 minutes)

Additional costs:
€5,00 Supplement appointments after 5 p.m. or on Saturday or Sunday
€5,00 USB stick for pictures – bring this every following ultrasound appointment.